
I Miss You, boy..

hey! good night everybody! well, i really have no idea what i wanna say here. i just writing and keep it going. i have a new family, named Daffa. like i told you before. he is brother hilmi's son. he is sooooo cute :* and you know what? he is not home now. he is still in his mother's hometown. i really really really miss him. i am trying to write anything what's going on with me. but still, i am too scare and lose the words.

2 komentar:

uahernandez mengatakan...

hahaha, ua udah patah hati pas baca judulnya, oh tapi ternyata yg di kagenin ponakannya. nggak papa :) hehe

Ayu Khairani mengatakan...

hahah.. gak lah waaa ;;) :D
iya waaa.. kangen Daffa. belum liat yaa? :D lucu banget wa diaaa.. hehhehe :p